Reflections after Bush
“Properly” one
might reflect about the Presidency of George Bush the Younger as he left
office, but all these years later the nation and the world still suffer, and
will continue to for a long time, from the most disastrous and destructive
President the United States has ever had.
He wasn’t without help, of course, in delivering us unto this mess;
that, plus the ephemeral nature of the man’s character, and the fact that his presidency
can be seen as a culmination of events over the last several decades, means
that reflecting about Bush really means reflecting about far more than a Op-Ed
checklist of accomplishments and failures, and is really about reflecting on
One of the smaller bad legacies
of Bush the Younger is the line of thought that he makes his dad look good in
comparison. Bush the Elder was a
horrible President, who set the stage for so many of the disasters we have had
to undergo. As Vice-President and then
President, he was part of the decade
long cosseting of Saddam Hussein. Then,
having all but invited Iraq into
Kuwait, we constructed a
coalition of the bribed and coerced, barely removed the Iraqis, proceeded
to encourage the Kurds and Shias to rise up, then abandoned them, then lied
about it (shades of Eisenhower and Dulles re Hungary in 1956). After 1989, Bush and his Texas oil-scum buddy
James Baker and National Security Advisor Brent Scowcroft and the young
careerist Condoleezza Rice demonstrated utter incomprehension and
irresponsibility about Europe after the implosion of the Soviet Union. The one
place there was any realistic likelihood of turmoil in Europe was in what was devolving
into the former Yugoslavia. But the
United States (and our partners in France, Germany, and the United Kingdom)
turned a blind eye to that reality (“we don’t have a dog in this fight”). Instead, they were slow about the Baltic states’
independence, and ditto for Ukraine. All
of this, when it was perfectly obvious that so many of the non-Russian states
of the old USSR would choice independence, with whatever degree of reality
(contrast, say, Lithuania with Belarus.) A cliché of the 70s and 80s was about “Cold
Warriors” itching for nuclear war. The bad
joke of that is that the real Cold Warriors were people who could not imagine a world without the Soviet Union
as they knew it, without an adversary defined as more or less as powerful as
you, with whom you played a constant game of up-and-down (a bi-polar world,
indeed), as if this was some enduring reality of history, and hadn’t come into
place during, and because of, the Second World War, another of Hitler’s
wonderful legacies. So the real crisis
in Europe was ignored, the real and effective use of power by the West left in
abeyance, with Bush’s successor left to belatedly to deal with the mess, and
also take most of the opprobrium that should have landed in Bush the Elder’s
lap. It is also worth considering how
much of this thinking continued into the younger Bush’s administration, with
the “need” to try to enlist Russia as an ally in the “War on Terror” and George
Bush the Younger looking into Vladimir Putin’s eyes and supposedly getting a
sense of his soul.
But the largest
drag on the world is the financial one.
Bush inherited a long
string of budget surpluses, with editorialists having the luxury of
leisurely debating the pros and cons of having the entire national debt
eliminated circa 2015. When he left
office, deficits
had been run and the debt stood at over 10 trillion dollars, nearly double
with what he started. (Oh, and quite by
the way, why wasn’t the first decade of the 21st century, the era of
the Bush tax cuts, a time of massive, booming investment?) But supposedly Obama is the irresponsible one
about money: as with most things matters had to get worse before they got
better, but the
deficit has been going down year by year.
But Obama, supposedly also a Great Communicator, doesn’t know how to
make his own case.
One of the
stupidest clichés about Bush, uttered by friend and foe alike, is that, think
of him as you might, he is a man of “deep convictions.” A man of deep convictions does not run for
President at the age of 54 talking about how our foreign policy must
be more “modest” and then a year later, in the wake of the terror attacks,
proclaim a crusade for freedom and democracy to be exported to lands which
haven’t much experience with either, and get us mired in two unwinnable wars
which are advertised as part of that crusade.
A man of deep convictions does not, at the same time he is making
speeches about no longer siding with the old, bad forces of un-freedom in the
“Arab World” then
render prisoners to Syria and Egypt, among others, for torture. Stubbornness does not mean conviction any
more than having to have one’s own way equals a sense of purpose.
Then there is No Child Left Behind. What is interesting is how “liberals” (Teddy
Kennedy, etc.) allowed themselves to be co-opted on this, and how the very
defining of the subject was left to Bush, and how the subject continues to be
defined in terms which he, or his ideological masters, laid down. Millions of people have received the firm
impression (and impression is the word) that basically the only thing wrong
with public education is a bunch of incompetent teachers who are protected by
their union. Never mind generation after
generation of an educational administrative class which actually runs the schools, going after every trend
in education, from New Math to Smart Boards to on-line learning, as soon as
they pick up their meaningless master’s degrees in this or that. Our experience has some analogies with that of
the United Kingdom. The Thatcherite
‘reforms’ were blithely continued by Blair and Brown, and now Cameron. Not only is university becoming more
expensive, but greater stress is laid on the GSCE (age 13-14) rather than the
A-levels (age 16 and after). Students
are then tracked on the basis on GSCE scores – in other words, the British are
Germanizing themselves.
A lot of this
has to do with the suburbanization of “liberalism” (I’m from Oregon originally,
so I know a lot about this). Precisely
because of the success of the New Deal-Fair Deal-New Frontier-Great Society,
the focus of ‘liberals’ became increasingly “personal” to point that in the
1990s the atrocity
known as Welfare Reform was passed,
but, damn, those blessed partial-birth abortions were protected. Year after year, really decade after decade,
articles and editorials have bemoaned “America’s Decaying Infrastructure” but
there is truly no passion on the part of the political classes to do anything
about it. You can’t expect
‘conservatives’ to care, but there was a time when ‘liberals’ would have been
excited about this, but those days are gone.
The stimulus package of early 2009 could have been a perfect time, but
of course it wasn’t. It didn’t occur to Obama, or Biden, or Pelosi,
etc. to take a deep breath, use their political momentum to explain to the
American citizenry how bad the mess left by Bush was and how that was combined
with a golden opportunity to take care of some problems America had been
storing up for decades.
Those of us with
longer memories than last week will remember when liberalism underwent a
searching critique by what was dubbed “neo-conservatism” (but then some of us
also remember when neo-conservative meant, say, Nathan Glazer). Those days, too, are gone. Liberals were only ‘chastened’ to the extent
they would abandon the weakest among us, and protect only what mattered to an
increasingly affluent “natural” constituency.
See above, but consider also the truly thoughtless re-enforcing of
de-regulation by Clinton, attended with great posturing of intellectual
bravery, too scared to say no to the Pelagian / Libertarian fantasy promulgated
by his predecessors in the White House.
So, when he was succeeded by Bush the Younger, how could liberals
effectively criticize, if they even noticed, the whole sub-prime idiocy? They couldn’t. (Martin Mayer predicted this sort of thing in
the 70s in The Bankers, but that’s
another story.)
Meanwhile, what
about the “conservatives”? Having
somehow managed to serve up the first two-term Presidency since Eisenhower,
nothing was easier for them than the auto-mythology of Reagan as a Great
President. Paul Volcker, the Chairman of
the Federal Reserve Board, a Carter appointee, induced a massive recession, in
order to wring out the inflation which has beset us since our little
mis-adventure in Indo-China (one of the ‘achievements’ of conservatives was to
lay that inflation, in the minds of millions, at the feet of Food Stamps and
Job Corps). That helped Carter lose the
Presidency, and when the inflation was wrung out and the economy began to recover,
Reagan couldn’t help but be re-elected (this after historic mid-term losses in
1982). It is almost embarrassing to
remember, as well, that the deficits run up by Reagan. In 1986, Reagan replaced Volcker with Alan
Greenspan , the fruit of whose misdeeds we still must endure. The other part of the mythology has to do
with Ending the Cold War, which in real life Reagan didn’t, and couldn’t,
do. He merely had the good fortune to be
President while the implosion of the Soviet Union became explicit, and that
awful system finally coughed up a leader, Gorbachev, who was willing to begin
the dismantling of empire (the Soviet Union, having begun the Cold War with its
dominance of half of Europe, had to be the one to end it). Reagan, destiny’s tot, merely soaked up the
credit due to others.
“Conservatives” have never been able to quite get over it; hence, their
befuddlement during the two Bush presidencies, with an interlude of impeaching
a Democratic president for, well, adultery.
I think I first noticed conservatives resurrecting “class warfare”
(apparently a rhetorical one-way street) in 2006 when Bush the Younger was
still in office. It is hardly a wonder
that two decades of talking to themselves (i.e., political incest) would
finally spawn not merely a succession of risible presidential candidates but
the Tea Party. It is worth paying
attention to one aspect of that phenomenon: its almost total lack of interest
in governance. Of course, people will
say that, for instance, the Tea Partiers would like to wreck Obamacare, but the
Tea Party is largely an instance of what happens when politics becomes its own
subject. There can be no actual Tea
Party “program.” The activities of the
Tea Partiers are about ideological purity, and purges, and self-satisfaction ,
and very little else. That is its effect on our political life, to
increase the stock of public political masturbation. This is pernicious, but not as a threat to
seize power. (In this, they are like the
various Trotskyite sects, only well-bankrolled.
A couple of stories are pertinent here.
The first is for the cognoscenti:
I once read about one of the Trotskyite grouping which was distinguished from
the others because it held – still holds? – that Trotsky wasn’t killed on
orders of Stalin. No, he was done in by
the Sparticists. The second story happened here in Nevada,
where I now reside. In 2010, the
Republicans nominated a true whack-job, Sharon
Engle, to run against Harry Reid for the Senate. But she wasn’t pure enough for the Tea Party,
who ran their own candidate.)
Meanwhile, Obama
has Ukraine and Syria and Iraq with which to deal. These all are legacies from our wretched past
and enough was said about Putin, Russia, etc. above. But first consider Syria: we have been over a
barrel about Syria for four decades now, ever since Henry Kissinger, back when
he was running the world in the wake of the Yom Kippur war, decided that Syria
(meaning its regime) was a serious partner for peace which had to be
“engaged.” The fruits of that? Syria occupied half of Lebanon for a quarter
century (1976-2001). We ended up
intervening in Lebanon in 1983-1984, saved the PLO’s bacon after they made a living
hell of south Lebanon, and had nearly three hundred of our Marines blown up by
Syria’s Hezbollah allies. That involvement in
Lebanon is worth considering, apart from its having achieved nothing good,
in terms of the politics of reputation. We intervene, we have a disastrous attack on
our forces about which nothing is done, then we leave – and the public image and re-elections prospects of Ronald Reagan in
1984 are not affected in the least. (Republicans
bitching about Obama and Syria might remember, too, that in 1982 Hafez Assad
massacred 10,000 people in Homs in an earlier civil war – and Reagan did
exactly what about that?) This leads,
secondly, over a now non-existent border, to Iraq. We dismantled what state apparatus there was
in that fake nation, opened up a front to Sunni extremism, and installed a
government friendly to…Iran, about whom we have been stressing for years. This is called “realism.” Bush-Cheney-Rumsfeld-Powell-Rice, etc. set
that table, and Cheney, at least, now has the brass to come out of his lair to
appear on the Fox channel and kvetch.
So, here we are,
over five years after George Bush the Younger left office. Perhaps the most (immediately) depressing
thing we might consider is that his having wrought such havoc, and that havoc
having such a long pedigree, there are people with bumper stickers with Bush’s
picture asking, “Miss Me Yet?” We are
so far gone in our fog of amnesia that a sizable chunk of our citizenry would
quite willingly return to its vomit, and that is why I said that to reflect
about Bush and his presidency means to reflect about us.
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