Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Blogging Cross-Pollination Redux

Late to report this, of course, but last Wednesday I woke up to find on Leiter Reports a link to my parody poem "The Second Don-ing," which I had posted back in 2017.  As a result, I have had more than 1500 visits since October 9.  That, of course, moves my Google earnings up only a few pennies, but the psychic income was nice.  I actually received a Real Life Comment noting a typo, so I fixed that and now the date of "The Second Don-ing" is moved up to last week (see immediately below) - I don't know how that works, being a Techno-Rube, but that's okay.  Anyway, thank to all.   

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

The Second Don-ing (with apologies to the shade of W.B. Yeats, as well as to my fellow Americans)

               Twisting and turning to alternative facts
               The viewer cannot bear to read Twitter;
           The swamp remains un-drained;
               Mere commentary is loosed upon the world,
           The Putin tide is loosed, and everywhere
           Millennial innocence is drowned;
           The 'best' lack all connection, while the worst
           Are full of passionate insecurity.

               Surely some new leak is at hand;
           Surely the Second Don-ing is
 at hand.
               The Second Don-ing!  Hardly are those words out
               When a vast image from Art of the Deal
               Troubles my sight: somewhere in a sand trap
               A shape with growing gut and small hands,
               A gaze blank and moronic as can be,
               Is turning its slow thoughts, while all about it
               Reel law suits by indignant human beings.

               The screen goes blank; but now I know
               That umpteen news cycles
               Were vexed to nightmare by some Russian agents,
               And what orange beast, his hour come round at last,
               Slouches towards Babylon to resign?